Nowadays we can have access to information with a couple of clicks. If we want to research about a particular topic, the Internet is a great ally, isn’t it? Well, this is not always the case. There is a lot of misinformation about palm oil deforestation . This high-yielding oleaginous crop is proving to be useful in the production of a wide variety of products. This versatility makes it a target for companies producing other types of oil. Many of these companies use the internet to spread misinformation about palm oil deforestation. The reality is that the sector responsible for growing, producing and distributing palm oil is very well organized and regulated under the strictest quality standards. All this is done with the intention of protecting the environment while developing sustainable crops.
The numbers don’t lie
Despite being a high demand crop, palm oil deforestation only stands at 5{01386b8378a02f551055a88d57b0b2f7f54dd8fd5e1062d6ef58fab8af21b2a4} in tropical areas, according to FAO. Globally, this value represents only 2.3{01386b8378a02f551055a88d57b0b2f7f54dd8fd5e1062d6ef58fab8af21b2a4} according to The European Commission. These low numbers are due to the fact that many farmers have shifted from growing crops such as coffee or rubber to palm trees. They can produce up to 10 times more than with …