How to Decorate a Modern Office Space

If you have ever worked in a boring office space then you know how dreary it can be. Bad decoration and poor lighting are only a couple of factors that can work to make a poor office, but both are equal in that they need to be rooted out of your office design. Your office deserves something more than just the same-old, same-old, it needs innovation. Modern office design at its best.

With this in mind, then, when decorating an office space, there are a number of things which you may want to keep in mind in order to make the most of it. These include:

Use an Open Plan

An open office plan is the modern way to do things as it’s less restrictive, makes workers feel less stuck, and overall better for office ambience. So make sure you factor this into your office design. It can also help your workers feel like there is less of a them/us divide when it comes to senior and junior members of the team. If everyone is together, then how can anyone be apart.

Make It Lighter

Light is an integral part of any office space. If you’re missing it, then likely your employees will suffer for it. A lack of light can quickly lead to dampened spirits and can make feel people feel more down than they normally would. A bright, light, office has a much more positive impact on the mood of your employees.

Modern ways to achieve this include having a good level of glass partitions in your office space. Not only do these look good, but they mean that a lot of light can easily make its way through your office. Leading to a better, lighter, room. When natural light isn’t an option, you can instead turn to better lighting instead. Choose bulbs which are less glaring white light and instead give a romo a more natural glow. This can be better in the winter months, as it removes the slow and painful feeling of time passing under artificial lighting.

Give Staff a Break

Break rooms are important in any office environment, but making sure they’re not boring and stifling is even more important. Give your staff the break they deserve in a breakout room that isn’t likely to cause them to want to go back to work rather than sit in it!

Fun activities like a game table, dart board or similar could be a nice idea. But, ultimately you want the room to feel bright and inviting, somewhere that you could feasibly step into in order to relax from the stressors of the day.

Use Unique Pieces

One of the easiest ways to make the most of an office space and gives it a unique edge is via the furniture. The same old chairs, desks and the like are fine. But, they do tend to be a bit of an eye sore and not all that comfortable. This is where choosing furniture outside of the box can be a much better choice on the whole. As well as other unique items to decorate a space.

This can include modern art, contemporary furniture or even pieces of outdoor furniture—like a garden coffee table—to be even more out there.


No office was created equal and the design choices you choose will likely be very different from anyone else’s. For that reason, it’s important to make choices which are true to you. Choose carefully, but don’t be afraid to be a little bit bold as you do so. It could spark the creativity that brings your brand to a whole new level—so start the fire today!